в: 05 Aug 2012 [05:55]
When you click on battle reports messages and see you had a hero who leveled up, it would be nice if that hero's name had a link that took you directly to the hero screen where you could make changes to their skill levels.

Congratulations! Your hero Rolando Hynes proved his courage in battles and raised his level up to [20].
в: 05 Aug 2012 [06:00]
в: 12 Aug 2012 [21:35]
в: 13 Aug 2012 [01:09]
Here's another thought on the subject. What if, when your hero leveled up you could see not only that particular hero and his existing skill set, but all your other heroes and their skill sets as well. I currently have to use a mini spreadsheet to keep track of my heroes to figure out who has what. So first column, hero name, 2nd column for level on knowledge, 3rd column, leadership, so on and so on. Would that be asking too much?(:s31:)(:s28:)
в: 13 Aug 2012 [19:54]
Цитата shorlunch:
Here's another thought on the subject. What if, when your hero leveled up you could see not only that particular hero and his existing skill set, but all your other heroes and their skill sets as well. I currently have to use a mini spreadsheet to keep track of my heroes to figure out who has what.

Honestly, I'm half/half on this. Yes, it would be a good addition to a war-game but I think time can be spent elsewhere to improve on other aspects of the game that, we as players, have no control over. We, as players, can make a spreed sheet to keep track. yes it takes time but very beneficial to tactical and strategical game-play. yet, new additions can be made to the game, which we, as players, can not do. After typing this I'm more 40/60 (yes/no).
в: 14 Aug 2012 [20:38]
Цитата RavensSeason:
When you click on battle reports messages and see you had a hero who leveled up, it would be nice if that hero's name had a link that took you directly to the hero screen where you could make changes to their skill levels.

(:s11:) (:s9:)

Цитата shorlunch:
What if, when your hero leveled up you could see not only that particular hero and his existing skill set, but all your other heroes and their skill sets as well. I currently have to use a mini spreadsheet to keep track of my heroes to figure out who has what. So first column, hero name, 2nd column for level on knowledge, 3rd column, leadership, so on and so on. Would that be asking too much?

It's not asked to much I think, but like crimson, I think that this is something that players can do for themselves. It doesn't have to be included into the game and the developers should concentrate on other problems in my opinion.
(But writing this, I remember the last time I wrote "An external solution would be better..." as a comment for a suggestion: A few weeks later, this feature was implemented. So who knows ...)