Got problems with the new dogs of war !
the "new" dogs of war consist mainly out of mercenaries and require loads of merc-points to accept !
i like this on grail, because its great to replenish losses after battles, but dislike it on eldorado !
why this ?
got plenty merc points on grail and battle regulair !
but on eldorado i just play a short time and got few merc-points !
the öld) dogs consisted mainly out of farmer based troops and i could accept them there !, now its impossible !! not got 7000+ merc-point there needed to accept the dogs and must alwys battle them !
i suggest to make the size of the dogs dependable on the number of towns the player has.
smaller for players with few town, consisting mostly with farmer based troops and bigger for players with more towns and consisting of more merc-points based troops.
so both big and small players got some possebillety to accept them as it was before.
I understand that the new dogs are great for bigger players to replace battle losses but its totally bad for the smaller players !
and small players will become big also !