в: 19 Aug 2013 [15:34]
исправлено: 19 Aug 2013 [16:24]
Уважаемые игроки,

на сервере Aragon в данный момент у некоторых игроков наблюдаются проблемы с выходом армий из локаций и городов. В частности, у орденов Vampires [VAP], Kingdom of Heaven [KOH],
San Jorge [SJ].

Обращаем внимание тех игроков, кто успел воспользоваться временной "слабостью" противника, а также самих пострадавших:
на время решения технических проблем игроки, у которых возникают ошибки, получают право на отпуск;
после решения проблемы игрокам, которые пострадали от технических проблем, будут выданы компенсации.
в: 21 Aug 2013 [09:07]
This is an absolute outrage.

How can you think it is right and correct to reward people who complained, whined and did no more then what amounts to throwing a childish tantrum, all because the new update would not enable them to cheat.

And they may say, that it was "not for cheating, or that they don't cheat"... But the fact is they do! And not only do they use this cheat, but they have become so reliant on it that if it doesn't work. They are prepared to quit the game. As you can, and have read on the Russian forum over the past few weeks.

There is a huge elephant in the room here and it has never been addressed in the whole time you have read all the cries, the threats and the ultimatums... You never stated the plain and simple fact, which is staring you all in the face that is the real crux of the issue here.

and it's this...

If DWD can make it work, then you have no excuses!. There is nothing extra or strange we are doing. You can do the exact same thing right now.

I have read the lies on these pages, that we(DWD) are not or did not get effected by all the issues you have been. That its, magically a condition somehow effecting our enemies only and not us. Now, come on. Be honest! You're not really, trying to sell that load of rubbish are you?

The devs, can (although they don't very often), check the English forum and our tickets! I bet a pound to a penny that 95% of our complaints and your complaints are the EXACT SAME. Thus proving that your claims are lies.

на сервере Aragon в данный момент у некоторых игроков наблюдаются проблемы с выходом армий из локаций и городов. В частности, у орденов Vampires [VAP], Kingdom of Heaven [KOH],
San Jorge [SJ].

Обращаем внимание тех игроков, кто успел воспользоваться временной "слабостью" противника, а также самих пострадавших:

Are you making a joke?

weakness?..... What weakness?

The only weakness there are was the BAD LEADERSHIP and laziness shown by VAM SJ and KoH. The weakness of mind not to get up off their lazy butts and fight. Just like we did. We learned by going on the attack and using the system that was in place. As we saw it... this was the only course of action we felt we could take. By using it we would learn how and the faster we did this the better for us. AND would you beleive, we had gotten used to the first map and could navigate it perfectly... all because we tried to.
So while you thought it was better to sit and complain and give ultimatums. We tried to get on with it and make do with what we had to play with. And how does the game reward us for trying to do the right thing.... it gives in to ultimatums and offers compensation.

That is a total and utter disgrace, that this course of action is even being considered. We all had the same choices, we all had the same, level playing field. If SJ VAM and KoH chose badly and made mistakes. It is not the responsibility of the game to come in and reward them.

There is also no justification or any argument you can make why DWD should lose the advantage we worked so had to gain. Simply because one side WRONGLY THOUGHT they could not attack or defend. They just did not try. AGAIN i state, if we could do it, it proves they could have also done it, had they of tried in the exact same way.

If you chose, to give in to this ultimatum, and offer compensation to SJ VAM and KoH. We will have no choice but to impose our own version of this ultimatum. Which will have to include equal compensation to us as we have not broke any rules or done anything wrong and have acted totally within the spirit of the game. It is totally unacceptable to expect us to stand for such an insulting interference from the devs in the game.

It was not the new user interface that stopped them coming out to play. We were attacking for 2 weeks before it came in and they did nothing then. We also offered a termed surrender, which was very fair and offered 6 months of peace for them to reinvest and recover... They refused.
5 fortresses and 20 camps.... was cheap compared to the 3 fortresses and 150~ camps we have take to date.

They could have avoided all this only Their pride got in the way.

And just so you all know.... this in not an opinion based response to the thread...
EVERYTHING i have stated here is a FACT and can be backed up!
в: 21 Aug 2013 [09:30]
And i know and some of you know already... i may have very good broadband... but i am the exception not the rule.

2 of our members use 3G mobile and 1 is using 4G mobile.

And another guy who i won't name... his computer is 8 years old and is using windows XP home operating systems. And all these guys are making it work.

So there is no excuses
в: 21 Aug 2013 [10:57]
Cu Cu obsalutna prav,oni dve nedeli nechevo nedelali,i zhalobi ob etom vsjom nepisali,poshli otpusk i vsjo,,,i kogda uzhe mnogo poterali to plachut i pishet zhalobi,i ih opjat zelejut(:s8:)pridlagali mir na nekatoroje vremja -otkazali,a teper(:s20:)(:s2:)
eto vsjo smeshno(:s8:) i kak eto 3 ordena nechevo nemozhet a drugije mogut(:s24:),,,,Ta pobolshumu mnje po,,,bili luzerami i tak i ostalis(:s38:)(:s8:)
в: 21 Aug 2013 [11:24]
to bambalite.
Мы проверяли игроков из этих орденов, в связи с техническими проблемами они вообще не могли выслать ни один поход, т.е. вообще не могли сопротивляться, на решение проблемы нам требовалось время, а поскольку игрок не мог никак противостоять захвату, единственное что мы могли предложить на время решения проблемы - отправить их в отпуск.
К счастью решение уже найдено и в ближайшее время будет установлено на сервер Aragon.

to cucullhan.
It is russian forum so i would not post my answer in english here, but you can write me an e-mail (to romans@ambergames.com) and i will provide to you my skype name, so we can discuss this issue.
в: 21 Aug 2013 [16:43]
облажались двд с халявными локами bambalite ты откуда знаеш что кто-то что -то делал или неделал ?пока что кроме кривляния и захвата заведомо беззащитных лок игроков нечего невидно а видно непорядочность двд(:s33:) Cu Cu obsalutna prav,oni dve nedeli nechevo nedelali,i zhalobi ob etom vsjom nepisali,poshli otpusk i vsjo,,,i kogda uzhe mnogo poterali to plachut i pishet zhalobi,i ih opjat zelejutpridlagali mir na nekatoroje vremja -otkazali,a teper
eto vsjo smeshno i kak eto 3 ordena nechevo nemozhet a drugije mogut,,,,Ta pobolshumu mnje po,,,bili luzerami i tak i ostalis
в: 21 Aug 2013 [17:12]
Цитата bambalite:
Cu Cu obsalutna prav,oni dve nedeli nechevo nedelali,i zhalobi ob etom vsjom nepisali,poshli otpusk i vsjo,,,i kogda uzhe mnogo poterali to plachut i pishet zhalobi,i ih opjat zelejut(:s8:)pridlagali mir na nekatoroje vremja -otkazali,a teper(:s20:)(:s2:)
eto vsjo smeshno(:s8:) i kak eto 3 ordena nechevo nemozhet a drugije mogut(:s24:),,,,Ta pobolshumu mnje po,,,bili luzerami i tak i ostalis(:s38:)(:s8:)

если у вас все так хорошо..то почему вы не пришли нас сносить????? вы это могли только гогда мы на захвате малыми силами стояли..прикалывались...тут вы герои...а как равные силы по мощи-так вы в кустах..мы звали вас на бой- но вы не приходили...а спокойно отдавали локи..но тогда не было новой карты и технических проблем..
кстати- о математике-для примерадопустим до этих проблем у нас были равные силы..пусть- 1000лок у двд и 1000лок у альянса наших орденов...после всем известных проблем..перевес оказался у ордена двд(т.к. там играет пара человек и они могут быстро перебросить свои армии) в итоге допустим стало- 1050у двд и 950 у альянса, разработчики обещают компенсировать эти потери-и будет 1050у двд и 1000 у альянса- радуйтесь ДВД- очередной косяк разрабов и опять не в нашу пользу..как то это уже утомляет..почему сразу не могли прервать любые атаки до решения проблемы..а тупо дали одному ордену оторваться причем без опасности быть наказанным???
в: 21 Aug 2013 [17:24]
я палогаю что у них все роботает отменно так как геров то смотрю по логам у них то и нет толком а значить и нет проблем с отправкой, другой вопрос меня интересует как тестировали этот баг сейчас, так как большинство игроков в отпусках а происходит то все когда много народу в игре похоже паотроха нашего серва давно на свалку пора (:s8:)
в: 21 Aug 2013 [17:38]
тут нам картинки все рисуют- а лучше бы нас спросили что нужно-например нам альянсу для сноса ордена ДВД необходим онлайн игроков 40-50 чел которые должны собраться в одно время для отправки своих армий...а это очень проблематично, но тем не менее мы собираемся и бьем врага...а вот ДВД-ты КУКУЛХАН когда всем орденом нас приходил сносить-не помнишь..а я скажу почему-потому что у вас играет не более 10 реальных игроков и поэтому вы не в состоянии одновременно ввести свои армии....вы только можете по ночам нападать-когда вход может быть не одновременный..тут вы и одним человеком можете все свои армии завести..так что не пудри нам мозги..
в: 21 Aug 2013 [18:25]
to playground

1: You chose to post such an important topic here. Not on the international forum and no corresponding post on the English forum. It is by far too important an issue for you to expect no response form us and for you not to address it here as, it was you who created the initial post. So HERE was your choice.

2: I write in English because it is my mother tongue. And when you or others translate it, there will be no confusion because you always have my original post to use as a point of reference and can always return to it. I totally accept and actually insist you reply in your mother tongue.

3: It is in the interest of honesty, fairness and the integrity of the game that we insist the issue, which you started here, is addressed here! That is unless you have something to hide? Because we do not!

Цитата playground:
Мы проверяли игроков из этих орденов, в связи с техническими проблемами они вообще не могли выслать ни один поход, т.е. вообще не могли сопротивляться, на решение проблемы нам требовалось время, а поскольку игрок не мог никак противостоять захвату, единственное что мы могли предложить на время решения проблемы - отправить их в отпуск.

Let me just address another issue you have raised... You tested these orders for armies to leave? Did you test us?
We complained abut the same technical issues! Its there for all to read! Did you test our order.
Did you address our concerns? We had the exact same problems. Did you respond to our pots? Our Tickets?
It is not our job to educate our enemy or give up OUR solutions to the any problems faced. Be sure, they (SJ VAM KoH) don't tell us ALL their little tricks and shortcuts that they use in their game play. Nor would we ask.
Intelligence gathering is a very important facet of the game as your support system have told us many times. That, and the famous "Ambergames will not interfere with the day to day general gameplay of any server" general response we seem to get.

The facts of this problem are very clear...

1: We all had the same problems.
2: It was a level playing field, with equal opportunity/hindrance to all.
3: We debated, and chose to try and work out the bugs/game issues.
4: We found a way around it.
5: Anybody could have done what we did.
6: We broke no rules.
7: We acted within the spirit of the game.
8: We antagonized them in global chat to provoke a response.
9: They did little or nothing in retaliation to our attacks.
10: We started the campaign 2 weeks before the UI changed.
11: They did very little in this same 2 weeks.
12: We offered a fair surrender.
13: They refused!
14: They just did not try hard enough!

We waged a campaign for nearly 3 months. Fully within the spirit of the game. It was long, tough and bloody impossible at times but we struggled through. In many cases leaving ourselves exposed to the enemy. They just did nothing, they did not even try... we spent 68 hours in one location in full view of the enemy. They did not try one defense. There is no way shape or form of any argument that can be made for the hard work we put in to be taken away.

Be under no illusions... DWD will not accept any compensation given to our enemy because they simply refused to play. And DWD are taking this ATTACK on them and fair and honest campaign we waged and are still waging, VERY SERIOUSLY
в: 21 Aug 2013 [19:00]
Just to address two further issues that came up, while i was writing.

We were not invited to a fight in any location by the enemy... They did however try to lull us into a trap. They claimed it was just them that was there.
yet when we scouted.. they had nearly 100 vassals plus all three orders.
You had lied... It was not a fair fight... It was a trap. And we were not fooled by the its childish delivery. Rather pathetic attempt in fact.

As for the 10 active players or 1 man moving all the armies.... I have told you in the past and today i tell you again...
People in glasshouse should not throw stones. Stop accusing us of what you do your selves.
It is really a very stupid and childish ploy
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